Wildix Certification

We have partnered with Wildix to bring our powerful Reporting and Recording feature set to the Wildix user base. 

Hansen Software is pleased to be the only Call Recording & Call Accounting software integrations certified by Wildix. Our CASH+ Hansen Call Recording and Call Reports can offer additional benefits and features to Wildix customers. 

Features & Benefits:

  • More than Wildix's standard 30 rolling days of recording retention
  • More in-depth call reporting
  • Automated scheduled reports
  • Packages available for retaining call accounting data and audio recordings indefinitely
  • Hosted and on-premise deployment options
  • No hardware required
  • Customizable dashboard
  • Extensive searching capability of archived call recordings

Learn more about the integration with Hansen Software & Wildix. 

Click here to try a live demo of the CASH+ Hansen Call Reports.

Contact us to learn more about the Wildix Call Reporting and Wildix Call Recording through Hansen Software. 
